À propos de Superbowl Louise
At Superbowl we are serving delicious and healthy bowls and wraps. ! FYI, if an ingredients from your order is running out of stock in our restaurant, we will replace it with a similar ingredient !
Produit offert
Commandez pour 15,00 € et recevez un produit offert (voir conditions)
Drink a flower - Peach & Lemon
Drink a flower - Peach & Lemon4,00 €Offert dès 15 € d'achat
💥 Make Your Own SuperBowl 💥
6,50 €Poké bowl
14,50 €Brownie
4,00 €Chi•Pic
11,00 €Fala•Hu
13,00 €Super Caesar
13,00 €Thaï Crunch
12,00 €Fresh juice Ginger Boost
5,00 €Chi•Tay
11,00 €Omega 3
12,00 €
💥 Make Your Own SuperBowl 💥
💥 Make Your Own SuperBowl 💥6,50 €💥 Make Your Own Wrap 💥
💥 Make Your Own Wrap 💥6,00 €
Poké bowl
Poke Rice, Gomasio, Soja sprouts, Edamame, Wakame, Salmon,Mango, Avocat, Spring Onions (Sesame Soy))14,50 €Fala•Hu
Fala-Hu Lettuce, Quinoa, Cucumbers, Carrots, Feta, Hummus, Falafel, Raisins, Mint (Lemon Olive Oil)13,00 €Super Caesar
Super Caesar Lettuce, tomato, Egg, Avocat, Poulet, Parmesan cheese, Crouton, Persil (Caesar)13,00 €Thaï Crunch
Thai Crunch Rice, Cucumber, Soy sprouts, Chou, Carrot, Chicken, Cajou, Coriander (Thaï)12,00 €Gravlax
Gravlax - Lettuce, quinoa, gravlax salmon, grilled broccoli, beetroot, mozzarella, cashew, honey mustard14,00 €Super Bowl
Red curry chicken with rice13,50 €Soupe
Soupe5,50 €
Chi-Pic Wrap, lettuce, Pickled onion, Chicken, Avocat, Parmesan (Caesar)11,00 €Ott'o
Ott'o Wrap, lettuce, Carrots, Feta, Falafel, Hummus, Mint, Raisins (Lemon & Olive Oil)12,00 €Omega 3
Omega 3 wrap, lettuce, salmon, grilled broccoli, beetroot, mozzarella, honey mustard12,00 €Chi•Tay
Chi-Tay Wraps, lettuce, Soy Sprouts, Carrots, Cabbage, Chicken, Coriander (Thai)11,00 €Ba'm
Ba'm wrap, lettuce, bacon, apple, goat cheese, sweet potato, spring onions, honey mustard11,50 €
4,00 €Cookie
Cookie3,00 €Bar granola ToN
Bar céréale ToN2,00 €
Fresh juice Ginger Boost
Apple, Carrots, Ginger5,00 €Drink a flower - Peach & Lemon
Drink a flower - Peach & Lemon4,00 €Offert dès 15 € d'achatDrink a flower - Lime & Ginger
Drink a flower - Lime & Ginger4,00 €Drink a flower - Elderflower
Drink a flower - Elderflower4,00 €ChariTea green
ChariTea green3,50 €ChariTea Red
ChariTea Red3,50 €Jus pajottenlander multifruits
Jus pajottenlander multifruits3,00 €Jus pajottenlander orange
Jus pajottenlander orange3,00 €Jus pajottenlander pomme
Jus pajottenlander pomme3,00 €LemonAid ginger
LemonAid ginger3,50 €LemonAid Lime
LemonAid Lime3,50 €LemonAid passion
LemonAid passion3,50 €Ritchie Cola
Ritchie Cola3,50 €Ritchie cola zero
Ritchie cola zero3,50 €SPA Intense
SPA Intense2,50 €SPA Reine
SPA Reine2,50 €Kombucha Smile - Ginger boost
Kombucha Smile - Ginger boost4,00 €Kombucha Smile - Mighty Berry
Kombucha Smile - Mighty Berry4,00 €Kombucha Smile - Original
Kombucha Smile - Original4,00 €Ritchie Orange
3,50 €
Cappuccino3,50 €Double espresso
Double espresso3,50 €Caffe Latte
Caffe Latte4,00 €Golden Latte
Golden Latte4,50 €Matcha Latte
Matcha Latte4,50 €Café americano
Café americano2,50 €Chocolat chaud
Chocolat chaud4,50 €Espresso
Espresso2,50 €Thé
Thé2,50 €