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12,95 €Mango chicken Bowl
12,95 €HALLOUMI BOWL (772 kcal)
15,95 €
Winter Specials 2025
Mango chicken Bowl
Kip, Browne rijst, amandelen, mango, gemixte bladgroenten, curry-korianderdressing.501 kcal . / 25g P / 62g C / 14g F13,95 €PopulaireBROOKLYN GREENS
Gekruide & geroosterde kippendijen, geitenkaas, geroosterde zoete aardappel, bruine rijst, geplette amandelen, geraspte boerenkool,ahorn balsamic vinaigrette. 478 kcal15,95 €HALLOUMI BOWL (772 kcal)
Gegrilde halloumi-kaas,gedroogde tomaten, paprika,regenboog quinoa, geroosterde kikkererwten, geroosterde zoete aardappel, geraspte boerenkool, verse babyspinazie, croutons, ahorn balsamico vinaigrette.15,95 €HARISSA CHICKEN BOWL
Gekruide kippendijen, bruine rijst, rucola, babyspinazie, ijsbergsla, komkommer,avocado, cherrytomaat en onze kenmerkende harissa dressing.586 kcal. / 19g P / 44g C / 37g F14,95 €CHICKEN TERIYAKI BOWL
Geroosterde broccoliroosjes, geroosterde kippendijen, basmatirijst, boerenkool, jonge spinazie, rode kool, sesamzaadjes, knapperige ui, teriyaki & sojadressing.560 kcal. / 33g P / 63g C / 19g F14,95 €FALAFEL GRILL SALAD
Falafel van de oven , maïs, cherrytomaatjes, gemixte bladgroenten, mix van quinoa en kikkererwten,zoete aardappel , paprika, komkommer, rode ui , currysaus en koriander.569 kcal . / 21g P / 75g C / 22g F13,95 €
Volkoren tortilla, geplette falafel, geroosterde nieuwe aardappel, ijsbergsla, versebabyspinazie, tomaat, komkommer, rode ui, curry + ranch dressing.570 kcal. / 21g P / 68g C / 22g F /12,95 €BEEF RANCH QUESADILLA
Volkoren tortilla, Gestoofd rundvlees, Parmezaanse kaas, rode ui, tomaat, paprika, pittige ranch dressing.430 kcal. / 26g P / 39g C / 19g F12,95 €SUNNY CHICKEN QUESADILLA
Volkoren wrap, gekruide kippendijen, ui, paprika, bonen, zoete aardappel,parmasan kaas en Spicy Ranch Dressing335 kcal. / 19g P /15g C /22g F12,95 €PopulaireSPICY CHICKEN QUESDAILLA
Volkoren tortilla ,Gekruide + geroosterde kippendijen, zoete aardappel, bonenmix,geroosterde paprika, rode ui, pittige ranchdressing.480 kcal. / 38g P /48g C / 24g F /11,95 €PopulaireBUCKAROO CHICKEN WRAP
Volkoren tortilla ,Gekruide kippendijen, regenboog quinoa, geroosterde zoete aardappel,rode ui, kikkererwten, babyspinazie, geplette amandelen, pittige ranch dressing.755 kcal. / 25g P / 67g C / 43g F /11,95 €OCEAN WRAP
Scottish smoked salmon, avocado, red onion, rocket leaves, iceberg lettuce, plum tomato, whole-wheat wrap, teriyaki and soy dressing.560cal12,95 €Hummus wrap
Fresh chickpeas + tahini hummus, avocado, red onion, plum tomato, rocket leaves, iceberg lettuce, whole-wheat wrap. 565 Kcal10,95 €
Geroosterde kikkererwten, falafel, verkruimelde feta, ijsbergsla, verse babyspinazie, komkommer, croutons, rode ui, cherrytomaat, zoete tahina+sesamdressing13,95 €LEAFY CAESAR CRUNCH
Gekruid kippendijen,parmezaankaas,zoete aardappel, rode ui, croutons,babyspinazie, rucola, cherrytomaat, ijsbergsla, lichte honing-mosterdmayonaise.571 kcal. / 24g P / 35g C / 38g F /12,95 €QUINOA BLOSSOM
Geroosterde zoete aardappel, gekruide kikkererwten, regenboog quinoa, kerstomaat, rucola, basilicum, geitenkaas, croutons, basilicum citrus dressing.769 kcal. / 31g P / 124g C / 15g F12,95 €TATAKI BEEF SALAD
Gestoofd rundvlees, cherrytomaat, geraspte wortel, komkommer,verse babyspinazie, geraspte boerenkool, paprika, rode ui, teriyaki + sojadressing.520 kcal. / 27g P / 26g C / 35g F13,95 €
Warm Bowls
Braised black angus beef, brown rice, cucumber, cherry tomato, peppers, red onion, shredded kale, shredded carrots, sesame seeds, crispy onions, teriyaki + soy dressing.461 kcal13,95 €HUGO'S BRAISED BOWL
Braised Black Angus beef, Asian wheat noodles, stir-fried vegetables, crushed peanuts, red onion, fresh coriander, sesame and soy Thai dressing.795 cal16,95 €HalalHALLOUMI BOWL (772 kcal)
Gegrilde halloumi-kaas,gedroogde tomaten, paprika,regenboog quinoa, geroosterde kikkererwten, geroosterde zoete aardappel, geraspte boerenkool, verse babyspinazie, croutons, ahorn balsamico vinaigrette.15,95 €PUNJABI CHICKEN
Roasted chicken thighs, brown rice, cucumber, cherry tomato, red onion, sweetcorn, peppers, spicy ranch dressing.412kcal13,95 €MEXICALI BOWL
Spiced chicken thighs, diced avocado, beans, rice, shredded carrots, bell peppers, fresh baby spinach, sweet corn and tomato chutney.771 cal13,95 €Asian umami bowl
Pulled beef, umami sauce, egg noodles, crispy onions, cherry tomato, baby spinach, stir fried vegetables, sesame seeds, peanuts., 934 kcal. / 47g p/ 113g c/27g f13,95 €QUINOA GARDEN BOWL
Roasted sweet potato, spicy chickpeas, rainbow quinoa, baby spinach, crushed almonds and orange vinaigrette.14,95 €ORIENTAL NOODLES
Prei, geraspte wortel, aziatische noodels, gekookt ei, , bosui, soja saus, sesamolie, signature Thai sauce, roasted crushed peanuts.485 kcal. / 21g P 21 g C / 12g F /10,95 €
Oahu salmon poke
Kies eerst je basis (sushi of bruin rijs of quinoa) meld het bij opmerking a.u.bZalm, sushi of bruin rijs ,avocado, kerstomaatjes, edamamebonen, zeewiersalade, zoete mais, ge- bakken uitjes, teriyaki en sojadressing.15,95 €Mango chicken Bowl
Kies eerst je basis (sushi of bruin rijs of quinoa) meld het bij opmerking a.u.bKip, hummus, paprika's, kerstomaatjes, mango, komkommer, pinda's, rode uien, satesausdressing.12,95 €HalalTangy tofu poke
Kies eerst je basis (sushi of bruin rijs of quinoa) meld het bij opmerking a.u.bTofu, avocado, edamamebonen, kerstomaatjes, zoete mais, komkommer, ingelegde rode uien, croutons, pittige zoete chilisaus en korianderdressing.12,95 €VeganSan diego beef poke
Kies eerst je basis (sushi of bruin rijs of quinoa) meld het bij opmerking a.u.bRundvlees, ingelegde rode uien, kerstomaatjes, rode kool, avocado, komkommer, gebakken uitjes, zoete aardappel.13,95 €Chickpea falafel poke
Kies eerst je basis (sushi of bruin rijs of quinoa) meld het bij opmerking a.u.bFalafel, avocado, kerstomaatjes, komkommer, rode ui, wortels, paprika's, zoete mais, pittige zoete chilisaus en korianderdressing.11,95 €Végétarien
Avocado, tomaat, baby spinazie, pesto, feta, meergranen ciabatta.150 kcal. / 5g P / 6g C / 10g F10,95 €SUNNYSIDE CHICKEN
Pulled chicken, plum tomato, red onion, rocket leaves, iceberg lettuce and honey mustard light mayo.607 cal10,95 €Wild Salmon Ciabatta
Schotse gerookte zalm, avocado, tomaat, rode ui, komkommer, rucola, lichte honing-mosterd-mayodressing10,95 €DURANgo chicken ciabatta
Geroosterde kippendijen, boerenkool, hummus, curry en korianderdressing, pesto, meergranen ciabatta.311 kcal. / 14g P / 15g C / 22g F11,95 €CHICKEN PUNCH SANDWICH
Whole meal bread, lettuce, spiced chicken, light honey mustard mayo.7,45 €EGGWELL SANDWICH
Whole meal bread, hard boiled egg, lettuce, light honey mustard mayo.6,45 €TAHINI beef ciabatta
Gestoofd rundvlees, hummus, tomaat, avocado, meergranen ciabatta.363 kcal. / 9g P / 30g C / 26g F12,95 €
Juiced apple, pineapple, kale, spinach, cucumber, banana, mint and ice.162/197 cal5,95 €SUNNY SPICED
Squeezed orange, juiced carrot, pineapple, ginger, ice.162/209 cal5,95 €TURMERIC TONIC
Versgeperste sinaasappels, lokale wortelen, verse kurkuma, gemberwortel, versgeperste appel, ijs.5,95 €BLOODY BERRY
Juiced apple, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, banana and ice.171/221 cal5,95 €FRUIT LOOP
Sqeezed orange, pineapple, banana, strawberry and ice.150/202 cal5,95 €GREEN SOLTAN
Juiced apple, avocado, celery, aloë vera, pineapple and ice.214/256 cal5,95 €
Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, apple, strawberry sorbet and ice.209/260 cal5,95 €STRAWBERRY TEASE
Strawberry, banana, apple, strawberry sorbet and ice.219/307 cal5,95 €TROPICAL MANGO
Mango juice, pineapple, mango, yoghurt and ice.308/365 cal6,45 €Stawberry sunrise
Aardbeien, banaan, honing, yoghurt-ijs,melk.320 kcal. (R) / 340 kcal. (L)6,45 €CASAMA PASSION
Sinaasappelsap, chiazaad, banaan,yoghurt, mango stukjes, ijs.304 / 413 kcal.5,95 €MORNING BOOST
Strawberry, banana, peanut butter, milk, honey, yoghurt and ice.333/440 cal5,45 €MAGIC SMOOTHIE
Appelsap, mango stukjes, honing,framboos, yoghurt, ijs.284 / 357 kcal.5,95 €
Power Lifters
Whey protein, milk, banana, honey, peanut butter, yogurt, ice.449/559 cal5,95 €PopulaireAVOCADO CRUSH
Whey protein, milk, banana, avocado, honey, peanut butter, yoghurt and ice.496/627 cal5,95 €PopulairePURPLE WARRIOR
Whey protein, milk, banana, blueberries, oats, coconut, milk, dates, yoghurt and ice.377/465 cal5,95 €BERRY PLUNGE
Whey protein, milk, strawberry, banana, strawberry sorbet, yoghurt and ice.284/304 cal5,95 €
Healthy Bites
Dates, honey, coconut, peanut butter, roasted oats, whey protein.2,50 €OAT_BAR
Oats, pumpkin seeds, almonds, Iranian sultanas, peanut butter, honey, and coconut.3,00 €
Infused Freshness
Mineral water, ginger, lemon, mint, cucumber.4,45 €BERRY BOMB
Mineral water, strawberry, rasberry, blueberry.4,45 €INFUSED ICE TEA
Black Tea, forest fruit, brown sugar.4,45 €