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Amazing American food in Leuven, delivered straight to your door.

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Best-rated American restaurants in Leuven

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 4.6 Excellent (50+)

Thanks for your delicious fries and mini-hamburger😂!I feel so happy on Children‘s Day!


Delicious!!! I was the best hamburger ever :)


One of the best vegan burgers I’ve had so far. A very well-mannered rider, too.

McDonald's Leuven

 4.3 Very good (50+)

The ice cream didn’t melt and the guy who delivered it was really nice

Ellis Gourmet Burger Leuven

 4.3 Very good (50+)

Chicken is really tasty, cooked well and the veggies, parmesan, and mayo complemented it well. Fresh bread. Only down side was that the water from the chicken made the bread a bit soggy and the sandwich very messy to eat!


Impressive burger loved the attention to detail on preserving the stack

Quick Leuven

 4.4 Very good (50+)

Formidable chicken was really good. Only the bread could be more crispy. Very fast delivery time

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